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Special Exhibition of Japan’s Largest Portrait Buddhist Statue at Nara National Museum

2025年1月22日 | 2025年1月22日更新


 A Buddhist statue that is ordinarily hidden from public viewing at Jindaiji Temple believed to have been built in 733 in Tokyo is specially being exhibited in Nara Buddhist Sculpture Hall at Nara National Museum(Nara city). This statue representing a prestigious monk called Ganzan Daishi is Japan’s biggest portrait sculpture close to 2 meters high, and is designated as cultural property by Tokyo prefecture. Although it has been traditionally available to the public eye only once in fifty years at Jindaiji Temple, on this special occasion, you can see the rare statue for the first time outside of Tokyo.



 The statue is precisely 196.8 centimeters tall with a big head for its body. The statue was brought all the way to Nara National Museum because it was found that it needed repair work when it was exhibited for the first time in 205 years outside of the temple in 2021 at Tokyo National Museum. It took approximately 3 years to repair cracks on the surface and rearrange damaged junctions at the neck and arms. To commemorate the completion of the repair, its special exhibition was realized.

 Ganzan Daishi(元三大師) is another name for Ryōgen (912 -985) who served as the top monk of the Tendai sect(天台宗)at Hieizan Enryaku-ji Temple(比叡山延暦寺)in Shiga Prefecture. He was named so since he was said to die on the 3rd of January as the Chinese characters suggest.(Gan means New years while Zan means 3.) After his decease, he was deified and spread nationwide as Tsuno Daishi illustrated with two horns on the head. He has become very popular as he is believed to ward off misfortunes (Yakuyoke). The widely opened eyes, the strong and sharp facial expression, and the massive size for a realistically depicted Buddhist statue make it singular and spectacular.
 元三大師は、滋賀県にある天台宗総本山比叡山延暦寺で天台座主を務めた良源(912 -985)の別称で、1月3日に亡くなったことにちなむ。没後は神格化され、頭に2本の角が生えた姿で描かれた角大師として全国的に広まり、災いをはねのける(厄除け)と信じられて人気になった。見開いた目と精悍な顔立ち、そしてリアルな造りと巨大さがこの仏像を唯一無二で見ごたえのあるものにしている。

 The art curator chief Iwai Tomoji at Nara National Museum explained, “Hardly any material is left that indicates the history of the statue, but it is estimated that it was created after the Mongolian Invasion in the second half of the 13th century to wish for the exclusion of foreigners, supported by the Kamakura Shogunate. “

 The chief priest at Jindaiji Temple Tyoudou Koushyou commented, “I would like for many people to go see the statue and anticipate that discussion and research of the history will deepen.”

 The exhibition will stay open until March 16th from 9 am to 5 pm except Mondays and 25th in February. The admission fee is 700 yen per adult, 350 yen for university students, and free of charge for those under 18 and over 70 years old. The contact number is 050-5542-8600.

a prestigious monk=高僧
ward off misfortunes (Yakuyoke)=厄除け
chief priest=住職


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