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Life is Shiku Hakku (four kinds of suffering and eight kinds of suffering) ~How to Interpret Suffering~

2025年1月23日 | 2025年1月28日更新

※この記事は、「人生は四苦八苦 苦しみをどう捉える」という記事の英語版です。

In Japanese, Shiku Hakku is often used to express when things are tough and you experience suffering. This wording is derived from Buddhism, but do you know that it refers to different kinds of suffering?


The Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, was a prince of the Śākya in India. Therefore, he was leading a privileged, happy life with gorgeous meals and housing.

However, one day, he wanted to go outside the palace, and went to the eastern gate among the four gates in the eastern, western, northern, and southern directions. Then, he found a misery old man and asked his servant who the man was. The servant answered, “That is an old man. Your highness will eventually be one, too.”

At another gate, he saw a sick person and a dead person. Every time he asked his servant who they were, he was told he would become one someday, which fact terribly disappointed him.

At the final fourth gate was a training monk. He learned the existence of monks who train themselves and try to overcome suffering, and determined to become a monk himself. Then, he chanted the four kinds of suffering as Shiku that he felt, which were birth, aging, sickness, and death.

Continuing on, the eight kinds of suffering in Shiku Hakku include the four kinds explained above and another four varieties of suffering that will be introduced next. It is not that there are 12 kinds of suffering, adding the four and eight literally in the phrase.

The first of the next four kinds is the suffering of having to separate from one’s loved ones. The second signifies the suffering that you have to meet those who you do not like. It seems that people feel the same things beyond time in any historical period.

The third is the suffering that you cannot get what you want. Lastly, people are equipped with sensory organs called “Goun”. Goun is a little different from the five senses in that it can also be interpreted as how the mind works by taking in things with the body. The buddha said that enriched Goun makes people develop many negative emotions including anger and envy, resulting in suffering.

Shiku Hakku is said to be inevitable in life. So, isn’t it important to try thinking about how to deal with it? Whether to accept the suffering or to attempt to contain it. What kind of coping methods would you consider?


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